About ClinEdTools
The name's Tom. With over 10 years of Clinical Education in one form or another under my belt. These are not my eyes.

This project has been born out of a recent relocation to a new country and the prospect of starting over again. But visa's and paperwork take time so what to do...
...I know, what if I figured out a way to build a suite of online tools to save everyone in the Clinical Education World from those tasks that are tedious and a huge time sink...et voila (I've also been working on my French).
Here is the first iteration of ClinEdTools, which I am hoping will grow into a go to resource to help educators develop quality resources, at pace, and take out some of the boring bits.
It's in Beta testing at the moment, so give it a bash, try and break things and let me know the good the bad and the ugly using the contact section.
Critical friends very much welcome. Thanks for stopping by.